Curriculum at the primary level - Grades 1 to 4

'A curriculum is the instructional and the educative programme by following which the pupils achieve their goals, ideals and aspirations of life'

The primary curriculum at Anand Niketan Sughad includes all the activities, co-curricular and academic that enable children to 'aspire to achieve and learn to excel'.

In grades 1 to 4, children are involved in multifarious activities that promote learning across all disciplines. Learning is not limited to subjects alone as it encompasses the co-curricular activities as well. Meaningful activities that promote and instill a love for learning are incorporated in the daily learning schedule. In grades 1 and 2 children have subjects like English, Math, P.O.I, Hindi and Computers. In grades 3 and 4 they learn English, Math, E.V.S, Hindi and Computers. Dance, music, art and craft, sports and library are included as part of the co-curricular activities.

Language learning in English and Hindi is based on acquisition and mastery of skills which are; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Although each skill is important, it is not taught or learnt in isolation. Each skill is entwined seamlessly and taught similarly so as to help students gain proficiency in language. Activities that hone these skills are included in the daily curriculum. A lot of opportunities are created to enable children to use language in different contexts so that children gain fluency over the language. Emphasis is laid on acquiring all the nuances of language so as to make children confident and competent in language.

Math is a part of our life everywhere. Numeracy, arithmetic operations, patterns, shapes, measurement and data handling are interwoven in daily transactions with people, things and tasks. It is imperative for children to not only understand but also apply the important mathematical skills in real life situations. Hands on activities to introduce mathematical concepts are conducted for enduring understanding. Regular practice and solving problems takes care of the rigor required in Math. To ensure progression and mastery of important mathematical skills, projects, group work and individual tasks are undertaken for concept clarity.

Programme of Inquiry is about learning how the world works. It includes all the important facets of the world around us. P.O.I explores the connection between the individual and the world. It incorporates knowledge about the individual, families and communities. It develops awareness in students of our place in society and how we share the world with other living creatures.

In grades 3 and 4, in E.V.S, children learn about the environment and its characteristics and how our habits, choices and values affect it. Environmental Studies includes learning about our immediate environment, the communities and the different systems. History/ Civics and its significance in today’s life is discussed and reflected upon. Climatic conditions and learning about the flora and fauna promote awareness amongst children about the world around them. Learning is through inquiry, problem solving and myriad thinking routines. Projects and presentations are done periodically as an assessment of student learning in P.O.I and E.V.S. Value education is an integral part of our curriculum and values are taught and caught during storytelling, problem solving situations and role plays. Students are given opportunities to enhance their core values of sensitivity, truthfulness, empathy, discipline and punctuality through various teacher created situations.

Besides formal subjects, the curriculum includes club activities and house activities that hone the various skills in children making them well rounded individuals. The well-crafted curriculum at Anand Niketan empowers young children to develop into knowledgeable and caring individuals who will strive to lead a vital, engaging and fulfilling life.