25 October, 2023

Pre Primary Fun Fridays 2023

Pre Primary Fun Fridays

At Anand Niketan, Fridays are always Fun Fridays. Fun filled activities are planned throughout the day for the kids. Mornings begin with the Pre-Primary Assembly. All kids gather to recite shlokas, meditate and they also enjoy tapping their toes on  their favourite action songs.The Assembly ends with the school song. Fitness activities such as Surya Namaskar, Zumba,  yoga, animal walks, jogging, nature walk,  stretching exercises etc. are carried out during morning hours in the lush green lawns of the school which help to enhance their gross motor skills. Fun outdoor games such as musical chairs, treasure hunt, passing the parcel, Simon says etc. are also planned. Our tiny tots are also exposed to sand play,  water play,  jungle gym, hopscotch, brain booster activities, card games, etc.

Kids love the art and craft activities planned for them. Their creative minds showcase their uniqueness. Interesting and interactive story sessions and role plays are conducted in the browsing area which help to develop their listening and speaking skills. Cheers and laughter galore….Happy faces and smiles make all Fridays truly special.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be updated soon !!

Feb25 Final Exams
Grade 9 & 11
25th Feb to 5th March